The Shepp Report

Special Edition

Justice In The Name Of Those Who Sacrificed Their Lives On D-Day

June 6, 2021



- An Encore Edition -








D-Day: Remembering Why Americans Gave Their Lives.

"Focusing on the most important strip of Omaha beach that day - the exit at Vierville-sur-Mer - D-DAY 360 strips D-Day back to its raw data to reveal how the odds of victory, in the greatest gamble of World War II, swung on what happened over a five-hour period on a five mile stretch of French coastline. Data gathered though forensic laser scanning, 3D computer modeling, and eye-witness accounts bring the battlefield to life as never before." - PBS: D-Day 360 - Video: URL




A Forgotten Charlie Brown Tribute To D-Day

Made in 1983, What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown? is a must-watch, not only for its tribute to a historically significant event, but for the way it honors the veterans of WWII and those that died. Not to mention the fact that a moving tribute like this will never be in another popular children's cartoon ever again." - Webmaster /Original Source Frontline

Video Source: TexasWarHawk




Col. Gadson was returning from a memorial service for two fallen soldiers when the attack occurred.  Photograph by Mark Thiessen, National Geographic. - Webmaster

Lieutenant Col. Gregory D. Godson U.S. Army






For Memorial Day Weekend 2016, DePaul University President, The "Rev." Dennis H. Holtschneider, compared Black Lives Matter protesters to be not unlike our soldiers' sacrifice at D-Day. - RedPillSentinel




Graphic Source: TomFernandez28



NOTE: On D-DAY, President Reagan swelled with pride for our soldiers while speaking on June 6, 1984. But Obama, as usual, was only proud of aliens who had crossed our southern border illegally.

So on June 6, 2015, Obama decided to celebrate what he called Immigrant Heritage Month, after which he went on to blame Republicans over border financing.

So it was no surprise that as president and during a budget battle, Obama would chain metal fences together all around the outdoor WWII Memorial to not allow any visiting vets into the memorial located on the Washington Mall.

However at the same exact time that no one was allowed on the closed Mall, Obama allowed Nancy Pelosi to bring in hundreds of illegal aliens for politicians to talk with, her telling the illegals to be sure to thank Obama for allowing them on the Mall while at the same time our vets, legal citizens, were not welcomed.

Oh, and one more thing. While speaking from the White House on June 6, 2015, D-Day, Obama purposely never mentioned once about those Americans who sacrificed their lives running on to the beaches of Normandy on the day that signaled the beginning of the end of WWII.

But that was Obama, with one of his homes today sitting on Martha's Vineyard, the so-called rising Atlanta ocean lapping its waves on the reported $11.4 million dollar property. Obama's wife had complained in 2008, as he was running for office, that she was never proud of America.

Then in 2021, as one of the richest African-American women in the world, Obama's wife was still calling America a systemic racist nation. It was the same stuff of Obama's early mentor in Hawaii, Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who taught Obama the ways of Karl Marx and how to cause racial division to rip the country apart.

To that end the Obama's would announce a protest video to run on the friendly Netflix platform titled . . . wait for it . . . "We the People." It would follow the protests by BLM from the summer of 2020.

When watching be sure to notice at times the Obama trademark of the drawn fists pumped up into the air, Marxist symbols of power. Those fists were seen for real by thousands of Americans during the burning and looting of their businesses across the country last year.

"The series was created by Doc McStuffins writer Chris Nee, who will executive produce alongside the Obamas through their Higher Ground Productions company. Earlier this year, Higher Ground Productions announced a slate of new Netflix projects coming soon, theGRIO reported. The Obamas’ highly-publicized Netflix deal has already been quite a success for the couple." - TheGiro

Video Source: TheGiro

Years later, after working with Davis, the training would lead Obama to give his famous speech in November of 2008, saying, "In just five short days we will fundamentally transform the United States of America." Michelle in May of 2021, with her comment, was just sealing the deal that America was truly a very racist nation.

When is the Obama's Netflix project ready for release? You guessed it. July 4th, 2021. As Glenn Beck has warned so many times, when Obama shows you his hand you need to be sure you're watching the other one instead. - Webmaster / Source Story: ClashDaily - June 6th Video: URL







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