The Shepp Report


Special Edition

Another Obama Marxist Continues To Spreads Lies About Climate Change To Cleanse Individual Freedom From The Earth By 2030.

September 6, 2023




Serial Liar John Kerry Keeps Stabbing America In The Back. Now He Says American Climate Deniers Are A Dangerous Cult To The Country's Future.


It was reported that Kerry used his military service to promote a political career, later lying to Congress while filming his activities in Nam with an 8mm camera.

Some of the Vietnamese said it best about Kerry . . . the ones who escaped assassination by the Cong and then made it to America. They refer to Kerry as Mr. Jane Fonda.

Photo Source: PatriotPos

If you remember it was Henry Fonda's elitist daughter, Jane Fonda, who sat in the gun emplacements with the Viet Cong, (see above photo), as they attempted to shoot down American planes, usually killing the pilots in them.

You need to know Kerry was happy to accept an award in the mid 1990s from the North Vietnam Communists for their delight in his personally helping to stop the war against them by the United States.

Kerry's photo-op, seen on the left, is reported to hang in Vietnam in honor.

This is the very same American who was reported to have thrown away his military metals. He then called his peers combat war criminals when he met on foreign soil with the enemy in Paris.

He weakened those on the battle field by questioning their serving in Vietnam, saying America was in the wrong war, at the wrong time for the wrong reasons.

And we need not forget the literal pallet filled to the top with hard cash, which Kerry delivered to Iranian leaders that hated America, his working hand-in-hand with the Marxist, Barack Obama.

As a student living in Indonesia, Obama studied the Koran for three years and knew Islam like the back of his hand. The hard cash he gave as president to America's enemy could be used to attack American or Israel citizens, the raw money untraceable. The Free Beacon wrote about the exchange:

"Discussing President Donald Trump's claims that the Obama administration helped fund the Iranian regime's terror initiatives, Kerry told CNN that the Obama administration saved American taxpayers from accruing interest by settling old debt when it did.

'We gave them a little bit of money that was released in that period of time, not as part of the nuclear arrangement,' Kerry said.

In 2016 he finally admitted that the billions in sanctions relief Iran got under the nuclear deal would go partly to financing terrorism. 'Money is fungible in any budget,' he said.

Then when the City of Paris was attacked by terrorist, citizens at a musical concert disemboweled, Kerry thought it was a good idea to bring James Taylor from the United States to sing to those grieving French families. The song? You've Got A Friend.

The Guardian wrote of Kerry's decision to bring Taylor;

'A tone-deaf performance by James Taylor during John Kerry’s visit makes one wonder who thought up this hokey and unapologetically American idea.'

Photo Source: Drudgereport, November 1, 2006

U.S. soldiers reaction to Kerry's comment, Get An Education Or Serve In Iraq.

From Kerry being awarded for helping the Viet Cong defeat the United States to Kerry's lying to Congress about the conduct of our troops when serving in Nam, he encouraged vets to be spit-on by activists when they finally returned home, puts anything Kerry says to be highly suspect.

We need to condemn any officials in the federal government who continue to work Kerry, knowing the elitist has attacked America all his adult life while living the good life of freedom in large mansions, sailing in yachts or flying around the world in private jets.

The individual leftist Senators and the White House personnel who work with Kerry know in doing so they are pissing on the freedom of the American people, making big bucks on the side involved in one of Kerry's backroom deals.

Swiftboat Veterans TV ad on John Kerry, the sellout (2004) - SwiftboatVeteransForTruth

Video Source: YouTube

In other words, and let's say this out loud, it would not be out of the question for Kerry to also be involved in lying about global warming, goons paid to start fires as was discovered recently in Greece.

Why? Because the financial stakes are even higher for Kerry this time around as he sticks it to the nation again. Of course setting these fires are by no accident, suddenly happening across the world.

The job of these Commie activists is to force America to bow down to outside progressive forces such as the UN's dangerous Agenda 2030 or the fascist Klaus and his World Forum filled with the lies of ESG (see video below.) Klaus works behind the scene with dangerously woke CEOs of huge investment firms like Blackrock, and has been doing so using climate lies since 1971.

"Climate Cultists Blame Global Warming For Canadian Wildfires . . . Set By Suspected Arsonists."

Photo Source: MRCTV

Of course it would be the good old "snuff" network CNN that would openly attack the idea that crazy out-of-control climate alarmists would set their own fires, which would allow CNN and other legacy media news outlets to claim the fires and weather were instead caused by human activity on the earth.

It was CNN that wrote the following headline, Why wildfires happen: Debunking the myth that arson is to blame more than climate change. Nice try, again from the world's "snuff" network.

You need to always remember it was the CNN news network that ran a famous video given by terrorists to Anderson Cooper in 2006. (It got him a gig with CBS 60 Minutes a year later).

The video was of the terrorists shooting an American GI in Iraq, the translated audio saying, Don't shoot until the women and children are out of the way. That's why CNN has earned the name the "snuff" network.

The audio comment on the snuff video was obvious, the terrorists knowing a corrupt CNN staff was going to run their terrorist video for an American audience, an audience that would need to hear that lie to believe the tape.

And don't forget it was CNN who made a deal with Saddam Hussein to only allow CNN's news staff into his country, in trade the network reported to have promised not to report any atrocities on local citizens by the dictator.

CNN this time around in 2023 is trying to put a candidate in jail, whose is running against the Democrats in 2024 so he can't win. Let me repeat that; so he can't have a change in winning. Of course that candidate is Donald Trump.

We are still waiting for Congress to bring in CNN's on-camera staff, who assisted in murdering so many Americans during the COVID years by helping to prevent them from getting other life saving medications working with Fauci and his well-paid Democrat Party supporters in the NIH and CDC.

Again, the stakes are now huge with the new attacks by the left on the climate lies, using them to remove the Constitution from America, a document that gives citizens the right to carry weapons and have free speech.

The Constitution has made America totally unlike Canada where we literally find kangaroo courts attacking individual citizens and their speech. Destroy freedom and you will turn America's ideology over to Classic Marxists like Obama and his millions of progressive supporters.

So in the end it wouldn't be surprising if this Alinsky-like legacy media had a hand in being paid to start these fires to then help push the Democrat Party's narrative that human habits and their purchases need to be managed by huge regulations to bring the climate back to normal, what ever that means.

It is why you see a push on renewable energy that is never available 24/7, the commies on the left being sure America will never again be energy independent.

Concerning how corrupt the legacy media has become, look at the outright lies it has already told over the last seven years to first try to push an elected U.S. president out of office since 2017.

They know if Trump Made America Great Again (MAGA), the goons in Washington D.C. with their gangster president could lose incomes and paybacks from working with China. The corrupt money would dry up.

It's why you see an attack on washing machines, home heating systems, gas stoves and now electric fans. Getting you, the consumer, to roll over and die is the objective of these Alinsky communists who now run Washington D.C.

"Maui Officials Reveal Cause of the Devastating Wildfires – Blowing Up Leftist Democrats’ “Climate Change” Narrative."

Photo Source: GatewayPundit

We now know the left will use "any tactic" to prevent an conservative candidate from running against Biden in 2024, one that might try to institute Trump's objectives for America's success, such as enjoyed during the Trump years starting in 2017.

These seditionists in Washington D.C. with their corrupted communists in the legacy media news outlets run by woke corporate CEO millionaires, have put everything on the table with all the convictions against Trump . . . convictions that could have been filed two years ago!

But of course that was too far away from the 2024 election and why they never filed the complaints until now. I hope you are now awakened, not woke.

When Kerry says, such as heard below, that he is amazed that somehow a human like him has been chosen to save the planet, you know his huge ego will do what it has to do even if it makes it difficult for humans to call earth their home.

Again, it is a reminder to all voters in a Republic that elections can have huge consequences against normal family living and basic survival.

Photo source: PostMillennial

The trial dates created by Democrats related to Trump needing to run for office in 2024 are the elephant in the room, these activities backed-up by dangerous socialist Alinsky-Like lawyers and judges brought in by a dirty and ghoulish Democrat Party, written all over their strange and ugly-looking faces.

The party believes this may be the last year they can finally get rid of conservatives who fight the left's corrupt way of life, wanting to own Washington D.C. permanently.

Yes, Mr. Kerry, you might have been chosen by the dark side to destroy our founder's dream for a document where human rights are given by God and not men like you, their risking their lives when they chose to sign it.

Of course, you would have never considered that, doing cartwheels of what a great guy you are and that lying for you is just an accepted means to an end you've lived with all your life. - Webmaster


Article written by Cristina Laila, August 25, 2023, GatewayPundit



Article written by Cristina Laila, August 25, 2023, GatewayPundit





Our Founders Were Wise To Anticipated A Bloated And Out-Of-Control Federal bureaucracy That Would Hate We The People!

As Kerry lives it up in his mansion, sails his yacht and fuels up his private jet, you're going to be stuck with "smart" meters tied to the electric company where you're appliances can be shut off or you can't charge your electric car the greens wanted you to buy.

And don't forget Marxist Obama and his $11 million dollar mansion on the island of Martha's Vineyard, waves from the "rising" Atlantic ocean lapping onto the beach of the property he bought. Or the one he owns in Hawaii off the Pacific Ocean?

Don't believe it? Click on the video in the article below titled, Net Zero, and listen what your future life is going to be like as Kerry flies over our cities, taking a leak in the bathroom of his private jet as he looks down on Walmart's poorer class. - Webmaster

Article written by Kevin Stocklin, August 15, 2023, EpochTimes



Article written by Kevin Stocklin, August 15, 2023, EpochTimes


Climate Experts Criticize Alarmist Rhetoric Over Summer Temperatures. - EpochTimes

'We Are Totally Awash In Pseudoscience': Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist On Climate Agenda. - EpochTimes




The Nazis Couldn't Beat The Americans Of WWII . . .

. . . so now they push Obama / Ayers / Kerry / Biden Marxist social justice on America's new society to beat its woke and confused citizens down with a "fascist" ESG program right out of the mouth of Klaus Schwab . . . to put a cap on American innovation and beat its weakened exceptionalism right into the ground. - Webmaster

Click On graphic to watch PragerU video.

Video / Graphic Source: PragerU

"What’s more important for a company: to make a profit, or to do 'social good? More and more companies seem to be focusing on the latter. But is that a good business strategy? And, what does that mean for the economy, for you and your bank account?" - PragerU









Why Is DEI Like Kudzu?

Kudzu's DEI of inclusiveness & equity smothers everything it overtakes. It removes the life-giving freedom of sunshine to all life that is growing under it on the forest floor. In other words, ironically inclusiveness & equity destroys diversity instead of creating it. - Webmaster

The goal is to incorporate DEI into every aspect of medical schools. - College Fix

Photo is the property of its respective owner.

Background photo source: Our State / Lydialyle Gibson


Living With Equity In A Free Society - NewsWithViews




- 30 -




"If we want freedom of religion, then We the People must defend it. Otherwise, we resign ourselves to be subjects of those we hired to protect our rights." - Paul Engel / Constitution Study

In 2009, Obama's cult organization required on FBI Web site as an authority on anti-American hate groups.



TKS to Peggy of WNC







All Americans Whose Relatives Fought In WWII Need To Ask . . .

. . . why do the CEO's, who run the globalist corporations seen below, want to destroy the values fought for by the greatest generation winning WWII? These post-American CEOs can't deny it, as we watch the hosts of their hateful media holdings try to indoctrinate American citizens to view that generation of 1945, not as heroes, but as racists and white supremacists. - Webmaster

"Do not eat the bread of a selfish man, or desire his delicacies; for as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, 'Eat and drink!' but his heart is not with you. You will vomit up the morsel you have eaten and waste your compliments." - Proverbs 23


Has been with CNN for well over a decade.

AT&T owns CNN. In 2006 CNN was referred to as the "snuff" network when its host, Anderson Cooper, ran a terrorist video around the world of the shooting of a GI in Iraq. Among other things, CNN went after a teenager for standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial wearing a MAGA hat. While the PTC is accusing AT&T of promoting porn to kids, AT&T's Warner Media blacklists J.K. Rowling from Harry Potter 20th Anniversary on HBO. The approving AT&T CEO is John Stankey.

No one can say CEO Stankey has no idea of the sedition that MSNBC is causing against the United States. - Webmaster

Source: TheInformation


Has been with MSNBC for over a decade.

Comcast owns MSNBC, a network originally tied to Microsoft. MSNBC reporting stands firm with the agendas of the Democrat Party. One of its hosts even attacked a conservative black woman, (a former Marine who won the Lt. Governor office in Virginia), as a white supremacist. Reid (photo on left) graduated from Harvard. The approving Comcast CEO is Brian L. Roberts.

No one can say CEO Roberts has no idea of the sedition that MSNBC is causing against the United States. - Webmaster

Source: BizJournal

Disney / ABC

The view was on ABC in 2009.

Disney had been Walt's dream for family programming. To that end Disney has purchased an amazing list of properties, which include Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century, Search light Pictures, FX Network, A&E Networks and ESPN. Another Disney property includes ABC and its weekly program, The View, hosted by Joy Behar, who attacks conservatives 24/7. Disney has allowed the hateful weekly program to continue for over a decade. Disney's Chairman is Robert A. Iger.

No one can say CEO Igar has no idea of the hatred spewed by the video everyday against Conservative Americans. - Webmaster

Source: Variety


Netflix continues its Big Mouth show aimed at kids.

Netflix is now referred to by some as the Obama Network. It also has been attacked for running an animated program called, "Big Mouth," which provides sexual programming and porn images aimed at teens. It displays images similar to those Planned Parenthood showed in public school classrooms over a decade that promoted sex toys and fisting kits. Netflix CEO is Wilmot Reed Hastings Jr.

No one can say CEO Hasting didn't know the filth Netflix has posted purely for kids to view, mocking the values of local parents across the country. - Webmaster

Source: CNBC


"A Black Lives Matter leader vowed there’ll be 'riots,' 'fire' and 'bloodshed' if Mayor-elect Eric Adams follows through with his promise to bring back plainclothes anti-crime cops to battle New York’s surge in violent crimes." - New York Post

Walmart openly donated 100 million dollars to the concept of "equity" started by the BLM-instigated riots of 2020, calling for the defunding of police. BLM attacked only in Democrat run cities, burning and looting allowed while police were told to stand down. Democrat leaders and media outlets such as MSNBC and CNN identified the carnage and murder of 30 people as "peaceful protests." And Nancy Pelosi? She said, People will do what they do. Walmart CEO is Doug McMillon.

CEO McMillon had to know donating 100 million dollars of his customer's profits was not going to help charities, but instead finance more violance on the streets or Marxism into America's classrooms. - Webmaster

Source: TIME

It's shocking that the five white male CEOs seen above, millionaires filled to the brim with wealth and stunning white privilege, are financially hosting media outlets that wage daily attacks on kitchen-table white American citizens as racists and white supremacists.

The outlets are also allowed to attack conservative blacks as white supremacists. Many of those citizens under daily attack follow the same values fought for by relatives who gave their lives and sacrificed limbs to win WWII.

However these five are only the tip of the iceberg of other CEOs who are at the helm of many of today's corporations, which have bowed down to the political correctness of Democrat leadership for over a decade.

In fact several years ago many attacked Indiana's legislature as homophobic. So this corporate movement away from American values is not new and in fact has grown more anti-American as it adopts the views of the late Karl Marx and followers such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and attacks white employees in the workplace as privileged.

These CEOs also support CRT taught in classrooms by far-left union teachers supported by corrupted school board members and the National School Board Association.

The goal is to divide public school students to see each other not by human character but by skin color. These so-called educators dotted across the country have also adjusted reading, writing and arithmetic to display racial components, allowing the attack to continue throughout the school day.

A sage once commented about leaders like these post-American CEOs. Their observation was simple; The fish always stinks from the head. - Webmaster




Oh look, that's where they've been hiding!

As we lose our freedom of speech, did the supreme court move down to Cuba? - Webmaster Supreme Court would not look at Federal election law being broken, afraid? - Webmaster


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On December 7, 1941, Americans didn't surrender like they did in 2020.

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PragerU: The Stories Of Us


Sample Below A Few Important Archived Links

| Fascism Comes To America | It Doesn't Matter? | America Facing Evil |

| Obama's 1990 article - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.” | Print Page |




Historic Photos Don't Lie About Politics In The United States.

That's especially true of the one below, which shows the true character of former Democrat leadership from their participation in the Wilmington Massacre Of 1898. It was a time when party members murdered around a dozen successful black Republican businessmen, then chasing a reported 2,000 blacks from their homes and businesses . . . wanting to put those "Negroes" in their place.

The reported instigator, Charles Aycock, was honored with his name being later attached to the NC annual Democrat fundraising event that lasted around 60 years. The party only removed his name in 2012 when forced over politics, fearing they might lose an election by keeping it. Below is a photo of those Democrats in 1898, standing around their trophy, a burned-out black-owned newspaper.

Therefore is would be no surprise when Democrat leaders across America chose in 2020 to support the Summer Riots of that year, where around 30 Americans were murder by party brown shirts loyalist from BLM and antifa, causing an estimated 20 billion dollars in damage to main streets across the country.

So when Speaker of the House Pelosi said that those summer riots were just "people will do what they do" while her counterpart in Congress, Senator Schumer, threatened to cause harm to two Supreme Court judges over abortion, you know nothing has changed.

Maybe it can't stop because violence and corruption may be permanently embedded into the party's DNA. Is it why they love democracies, where one extra vote for a majority controls everything, knowing that's all they need to push for to grab power? - Webmaster

Just Like Violent Democrats In 1898, Schumer Wanted To Silence Two Conservative Supreme Court Justices With Threats To Their Lives. He Has Also Demanded FOX News Shuts Down Tucker Carlson. So Was It Schumer Who Sent Antifa Brown Shirt Goons To Tucker's Home in 2018, Cracking His Front Door? - Source: GatewayPundit / Webmaster






It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti

"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the 'Men who wanted to be left Alone' are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these 'Men who wanted to be left Alone', fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.

True terror will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the 'Men who just wanted to be left alone.'" - Martin Geddes






TKS to Peggy of WNC for memes., original source unknown.



When you see this there are progressive socialists at work. - Webmaster

Graphic Source: Pinterest



Freedom is Knowledge


Black newspaper burned down on November 10, 1898. The Democrat Party's machine showed its true colors in the murders of blacks in the Wilmington Massacre of 1898 and then NEVER LOOKED BACK. - Webmaster